I'm going to get straight to the point with this one. You see, living in a commune means that more than personality type is living under one roof, and sure there are always pet peeves amongst house mates but what about a strange house mate? does one tackle this challenge, with out committing murder?
Alright I better backup and explain the story. You see miss-no-1 and I have known each other for years, she'll tell you 15 to be precise ( me? I wasn't counting, and I sure as hell didn't really care) but anyway the house had had a meeting about various issues like buying toilet paper and a certain sugar thief in the house that drinks all my sugar ( I mean ALL) of course washing the dishes.
However miss no1 decided she was unhappy with some of the housemates ( me in particular) smoking hubbly in the house as it closes her lungs…we attempted to agree to this request and found it challenging when we sat outside to smoke and she of course would then join us ( this was all done out of spite as it always is out of spite). This of course left us confused as we expected that it would close her lungs, however it did not. We (being little miss sunshine and myself) attempted to smoke hubbly in the house when miss-no-1 was not home of course since the smoke leaves the room as quickly as it appears. That my dear friends was an epic fail for me. This is because the smoke would creep up to her room, travel through the key hole and linger until she got home. This was causing incredible breathing and sleeping problems and as you would guess it could only be the fault of mine, since I have been in her life for 15 odd years, and what kind of a friend am I?
While all these problems are linked to other situations which could take years to explain. The simple reason behind her behaviour is her loss of control over what I do. She has influenced and interfered in my life which is the reason why I haven't trusted her for all those 15 years and yes I am still young but no I don't have to put up with it for another 15 years.
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